GOTV YES 4 HUGHES PARADE for the OPEN SPACE ballot measure!

GOTV YES 4 HUGHES PARADE for the OPEN SPACE ballot measure!

GOTV PARADES for the HUGHES OPEN SPACE ballot measure!

  • Noon - Decorating!

  • 1:00 PM 3:00 PM - Parade!

  • Google Calendar ICS


-To participate in the WALK PARADE meet at Library Park on Oak St. at 12:00 pm. Parade begins at 1:00 pm.

-To participate in the CAR PARADE meet at Bauder Elementary School on W. Prospect at 12:00 pm. Parade begins at 1:00 pm.

After the parade, come join us at the intersection of College and Drake to help us wave signs and banners to ask our fellow Fort Collins residents to VOTE YES for Hughes Public Open Lands!

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GOTV PARADES for the HUGHES OPEN SPACE ballot measure!

GOTV PARADES for the HUGHES OPEN SPACE ballot measure!

-To participate in the WALK PARADE meet at Library Park on Oak St. at 12:00pm. Parade begins at 1pm.

-To participate in the BIKE PARADE meet at City Park Playground area at 12:00pm. Parade begins at 1pm.

-To participate in the CAR PARADE meet at Aggie Greens parking lot near Hughes at 12:00pm. Parade begins at 1pm.

After the parade come join us at the intersection of College and Drake to help us wave signs and banners to ask our fellow Fort Collins residents to VOTE YES for Hughes Public Open Lands.

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GOTV PARADES for the Hughes ballot measure!

GOTV PARADES for the Hughes ballot measure!

Plan to have some fun on Saturday 02/06/2021 with a parade to increase voters’ awareness of the ballot measure to Zone Hughes as PUBLIC OPEN LANDS. Time to Get Out The Vote! The municipal election April 6 and ballots will be mailed out the second week of March. There are THREE parade routes and all of them start at 1pm and will take 45 minutes to 1 hour. Show up an hour early and we’ll help you get your vehicle, bicycle, stroller or dog decorated!

WALK PARADE - meet at Library Park on Oak St

BIKE PARADE - meet at City Park playground area

CAR PARADE - meet at Hughes Aggie Greens

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CSU’s Virtual Conceptual Review Hearing for Hughes Development via Controversial SPAR

CSU’s Virtual Conceptual Review Hearing for Hughes Development via Controversial SPAR

This will be CSU's conceptual Review for the Hughes Stadium site and begin the 60-day accelerated SPAR process.

"A virtual conceptual review for the Hughes Stadium Redevelopment is scheduled for Thursday, November 19th at 10:15 AM.

Conceptual review meetings are opportunities for applicants to speak with City staff members about their ideas for a project. Members of the public are always welcome to observe conceptual reviews, but may not comment or ask questions during the meeting. You can submit questions or comments on development review projects to anytime.

You can attend the meeting using a telephone, computer, or tablet.

On your phone: Dial +1 253 215 8782 and enter Webinar ID 995 7271 9829

Online: Visit

In the Zoom app: Enter Webinar ID 995 7271 9829

If you are having trouble connecting, contact Alyssa Stephens at or 719-297-1058"

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Zone Hughes Open Space City Council Meeting

Zone Hughes Open Space City Council Meeting

City Council will have the option that evening of adopting the ZONING petition into ordinance (law) within 30 days or submitting the petition to the April 2021 ballot. It is imperative that Council hear from those who support and those who signed the petition, asking Council to move to adopt the initiative into ordinance on Tuesday evening, and thus, ZONE Hughes "Public Open Lands" within 30 days!

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